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Since 1976

Community Outreach

At Call24, we believe that supporting our local community is essential for growth and development. We are committed to investing in education and promoting a brighter future for the next generation. Through sponsorships and donations, we strive to uplift the institutions that shape young minds and help them achieve their dreams. In this spirit, we are excited to share some of our recent community outreach initiatives.

Morello Park Elementary Sponsorship: Building a Strong Foundation

The Future Starts Here

Call24 is thrilled to announce our sponsorship at Morello Park Elementary. We recognize the importance of a strong foundation in a child’s education, and we are committed to supporting the school’s efforts to foster creativity and curiosity. Most recently, we sponsored the elementary school’s charity dinner dance.

Martinez Jr. High: Empowering Active Lifestyles

Fitness for a Brighter Tomorrow

Physical fitness plays a significant role in the overall well-being of students. In line with this belief, Call24 has sponsored the PE shirts for students at Martinez Jr. High. We aim to inspire confidence and unity among the students, encouraging them to lead active and healthy lifestyles. We are proud to be part of this community effort to boost our young learners’ physical, emotional, and mental development.

Alhambra High School: Nurturing Career Goals

The Launchpad to Success

Alhambra High School’s Career and College Center has made great strides since its inception in August 2022. Serving students from 9th through 12th grades, the center has become a valuable resource for guidance and mentorship. Call24 is honored to have contributed to the growth of this innovative center through donations.

During the 2021-2022 school year, the Career and College Center welcomed a total of 670 visitors who sought career advice and college application assistance. Various presentations, workshops, and career fairs were organized to give students a wealth of information to help them plan their futures.

The center has continued to grow in popularity, drawing a total of 350 visitors since the beginning of the new school year (August 10, 2022). With projections estimating a total visitor count exceeding 800 this year, it’s clear that the center is making a significant impact on the lives of Alhambra High School students. This warm and inviting atmosphere has quickly become a hub for students to work on their post-high school goals.

community outreach
call24 community

Our Commitment to Community

Together, We Thrive

At Call24, we understand that our success is intertwined with the success of our community. Our outreach initiatives and partnerships with local educational institutions are a testament to our commitment to helping the next generation succeed. We look forward to expanding our outreach efforts and continuing to make a lasting impact on the lives of students and their families.