24 hour Answering Service and Call Center Services 1-800-690-0222

Since 1976


You Want To Choose a 24 Hour Call Answering Service As A Medical, Dental or Clinics Provider

A 24/7 health Care Answering Service is the solution for your patients to secure medical advice or an appointment during non-business hours.

health care answering service

Many of your patients have primary care physicians for their medical needs. However, if one of your patients gets sick at night or on weekends, what should they do? That is a challenge that every parent knows well, and they are anxious and upset for their child.

Being able to reach Medical providers using a US-based 24-7 virtual assistant answering service will have your patients feel listened to and taken care of right away.

Professional Practitioners

As a Professional Medical Practitioner, you want the best for your patients, and that includes having them feel taken care of from the very first touch point; that is the ability to be able to reach out to an extension of your practice, a 24-hour answering service.

Here Are Typical and Routine Services We Help Healthcare Professionals With:

  • Regular or Routine Scheduling of check-up appointments
  • Medical assessments – Scheduling appointments
  • General health and wellness – Reach out to your office for Advice
  • Vaccination – Reach out to your office for Advice or Schedule appointments
  • Physical examinations – Schedule appointments
  • Treatment of chronic problems – Reach out to your office for Advice or Schedule appointments
  • Medication prescriptions – Reach out to your office for Advice

Reduced Waiting Time

If you are not available for an appointment, your patient’s only choice is to go to the ER at a local hospital to receive medical attention. Because of the overcrowding and stress-inducing conditions at hospital ERs, the doctors there prioritize and attend to those in need of urgent care.

Do you want your patients to deal with that? If your patient’s condition is not life-threatening, you know your patient may have to wait for many hours to get help. However, a 24-hour answering service, where a live person will talk to your patient, is an extension of your practice. Often time just being able to chat with a professional from your office and schedule an appointment or medical advice will have your patient calm down, especially around the parents of children.

No Need for all the Hassle

When your patient is unwell, their priority is to see you as soon as possible or right away with no hassle. A 24-hour after-hours call answering service for medical services ensures that your patients receive immediate medical attention.

Relying on the availability of you as their primary care physician only during business hours can have your patients to be worried about the uncertainty of after-hours care as to where they will receive and get the help they need.

Should you choose a 24 7 answering service that will have your patients feeling confident, they will receive the medical attention they need when they are sick when they speak with a live professional.

Health Care Answering Service Convenience

As a Primary Care Physician, you have built strong relationships with your patients. You have provided custom care based on their medical history. While that relationship cannot be equated to a telephone call to an after-hours answering service, having a 24-hour answering service, like Call24 Communications, sends the message to your patients that they are receiving personalized care. No waiting for advice or to have an appointment scheduled. That is comforting to your patients, having spoken to a live person, a seamless extension of your Practice.

If you’re a healthcare professional looking for an affordable virtual assistant or 24-7 health care answering service, please contact us today.