24 hour Answering Service and Call Center Services 1-800-690-0222

Since 1976


Here Are Several Ways That an Answering Service Can Help Your Franchise Grow.

1. Save Time By Qualifying New Referrals Up-Front

Referrals or prospect qualifying happens at the beginning of the early in the sales process and ideally during the first interaction. A virtual receptionist can quickly determine whether the person you are speaking with is a serious prospect ready to purchase. Sales professionals will be more efficient, productive, and motivated because of the prospects being qualified at the beginning of the process. Without it, your sales professionals risk using time conversing with people who will never convert, losing valuable business time.

2. Increase Availability Without Additional Financial Overhead

Offering a 24/7 call answering service ensures that you meet your customers’ expectations of always being available. It also means you will be able to serve and support customers from all time zones. This allows your business to gain clients beyond its physical geographic location. Customers in different time zones will be challenged to contact your support team if support is only offered during one time zone. This typically results in customer abandoning the process.

3. Customers Prefer Speaking To A Live Person

According to a Zendesk survey, more than 50% of all customers across all age groups prefer to speak with a live service member by telephone. CFI Group research shows that more than 76% of all callers prefer to contact customer care professionals by telephone when they have a problem. New research reveals that ‘4 out of 5 people, or 80%, prefer to speak with a live person by telephone, rather than a chatbot, e-mail, or voice recording.’ Research shows that your clients want to speak with a live person. Every time the receptionist answers the telephone, they communicate with clients consistently and professionally. These are soft skills that entail being polite, being courteous, speaking confidently, and engaging the caller in a way that demonstrates real interest in their requirements and that they are the most important person right now.

4. Offer Personalized Service

Personalization in customer service increases engagement and establishes a connection with clients, making them feel valued and important. Meanwhile, trust is built and it has the potential to influence customer behavior and buying habits. It is the reason that state of the art answering service combines scripting and caller history. That information allows answering services like Call 24 Communications receptionists, to answer the telephone properly addressing the client and building trust by referencing previous calls or information as needed.

5. Manage Fluctuations In Responsiveness

Outsourcing better positions you to respond to ever changing market demands. During peak season, it is difficult to train, hire, and then lay off workers. Outsourcing removes these challenges. Answering services already meet your shifting capacity requirements. Outsourcing non-essential revenue-generating activities are one of the most brilliant ways to see more profitability. This is important for a franchise owner, who benefits from a shorter learning curve by utilizing proven strategies. An outstanding answering service will assist you in managing your calls and appointments, freeing you up to work in or on and focus on the business activities that will help you maximize your profits.

We’re available now, call us today and get the help you need.