24 hour Answering Service and Call Center Services 1-800-690-0222

Since 1976

Juggling phone calls with a never-ending to-do list is a constant struggle for property managers.

You’ve likely been there before: while you’re in the middle of showing a potential tenant an apartment, the phone rings. It could be a current resident with a clogged sink, a repair contractor needing access, or even a prospective tenant with questions. Answering every call promptly is crucial, but dropping everything to address each one disrupts your workflow and delays other essential tasks.

This is where a property management answering service can be a game-changer. By partnering with a reliable service, property management companies can maintain their responsiveness to tenants, increase their efficiency by freeing up time for staff to focus on their core responsibilities, and enhance their tenant satisfaction.

While exceptional responsiveness is vital for property management success, the burden of handling every call can hinder a company’s efficiency. This guide empowers you to choose the ideal property management answering service, ensuring uninterrupted workflows, improved tenant satisfaction, and a thriving business.

Assessing Your Needs

Before diving into the world of property management answering services, it’s crucial to understand your specific requirements.

Here’s a breakdown of critical aspects to consider:

Call Volume and Patterns

Determine the call volume your business manages on a day-to-day basis.

  • Average daily call volume: Gauge the typical number of calls you receive each day. This will help you determine the service capacity you need.
  • Peak call times: Identify the times when your phones ring most frequently. Are there specific days (weekends) or times of day (after-hours) that experience a surge in calls?

Business Needs and Objectives:

Every business has unique requirements, and it’s essential to align the services of a call answering service with these needs.

Basic call answering vs. additional services: Do you simply require someone to answer calls and relay messages, or do you need a service that can handle tasks like scheduling appointments or even processing maintenance requests?

Desired Features and Functionalities:

Think about the features and functionalities that are crucial for your business.

Here are a few to consider:

  • Live call answering: Having a live representative answer calls ensures a professional and personalized touch for your tenants.
  • Call forwarding: The ability to forward calls directly to you or your staff during specific situations might be necessary.
  • Voicemail transcription: Written transcripts of voicemails can improve efficiency by allowing you to review messages quickly.
  • Integration with Property Management Software: If you’re in the property management industry, integration with your existing software can streamline operations, improving efficiency and service quality.

Integration with property management software: Seamless integration with your existing software streamlines communication and data management.

Choosing the Right Answering Service

Partnering with the right property management answering service is essential for ensuring seamless communication, efficient operations, and, ultimately, satisfied tenants. However, navigating the options can feel overwhelming.

To make an informed decision, carefully consider these crucial factors:

Experience and Qualifications

  • Industry Expertise: Look for a service provider with extensive experience in the property management industry. Their understanding of the unique challenges and requirements you face, such as tenant concerns, lease inquiries, and maintenance requests, will ensure they can effectively address your needs and those of your tenants.
  • Reputation and Recognition: Seek a service with a proven track record. Awards, certifications from relevant organizations, and positive customer reviews serve as strong indicators of their reliability, professionalism, and ability to deliver exceptional customer service.

Services Offered

  • 24/7 Availability: Ensure the service operates around the clock to handle calls anytime, day or night. This is crucial for addressing urgent maintenance issues or tenant emergencies that may arise outside of regular business hours.
  • Live Answering with Property Management Expertise: Having trained representatives familiar with property management terminology allows them to answer questions accurately and professionally. They should be able to understand tenant inquiries related to rent payments, lease agreements, maintenance procedures, and other property-related matters.
  • Emergency Call Handling Procedures: The service should have established protocols for handling emergency situations, such as fire alarms, water leaks, or security breaches. This ensures prompt action is taken to protect tenants and the property.
  • Bilingual Support (if required): If your tenant base includes individuals who speak a different language, having bilingual support ensures clear communication and avoids misunderstandings. This fosters a more inclusive environment for your tenants.

Technology and Security

  • Secure Communication: The property management answering service provider should prioritize secure call routing and message delivery to safeguard sensitive tenant information, such as names, contact details, and lease agreements.
  • Online Access: Real-time access to call logs and message transcripts allows you to monitor communication effectively and respond promptly to inquiries. This transparency is crucial for maintaining efficient operations and ensuring no issues fall through the cracks.
  • Data Privacy Compliance: Choose a service that adheres to data privacy regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR, to ensure the protection of your tenants’ personal information. This demonstrates your commitment to responsible data handling and builds trust with your tenants.

property management answering service

Additional Considerations

While the factors mentioned above form the core of your selection process, remember that a well-rounded decision requires addressing some additional aspects:

  • Scalability: Your call volume might increase as your property management business grows. Choose a service that can adapt to accommodate this growth. Look for providers with the capacity to handle additional calls without compromising the quality of service.
  • Cost: Answering services typically offer various pricing structures, including:
    • Flat Fee: A fixed monthly cost regardless of the number of calls received. This can be beneficial for businesses with predictable call volume.
    • Per-Call Basis: You pay a set fee for each call answered by the service. This might be suitable for companies with fluctuating call volume.

Finding the right balance between cost and value is crucial. While a lower price point may seem attractive initially, prioritize the features and quality of service offered. A reliable service with features that align with your needs can significantly improve efficiency and tenant satisfaction and contribute to your business’s success.

​​Making the Final Decision

Having carefully considered the essential factors, you’re ready to make an informed decision. Here are some final steps to ensure you choose the perfect property management answering service:

Free Trials and Demos

Many answering services offer free trials or demo periods. This allows you to experience their service firsthand and assess how well they meet your specific needs. Take advantage of this opportunity to evaluate their call handling procedures, representative communication style, and overall responsiveness.


Don’t hesitate to ask other property management answering service companies for recommendations. Speaking with colleagues who have experience with different answering services can provide valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and real-world performance.

Contract Terms

Before signing any agreement, thoroughly review the contract terms. Pay close attention to details such as service level agreements (SLAs), pricing structure, termination clauses, and any additional fees.  Ensure the contract aligns with your expectations and protects your interests.

Reap the Rewards: How an Answering Service Empowers Your Property Management Business

Investing in the right answering service is a strategic decision for property management answering service companies.

By partnering with a reliable provider, you can:

  1. Maintain exceptional tenant responsiveness: Tenants receive prompt attention to their inquiries, fostering a positive experience and building trust.
  2. Enhance staff efficiency: Freeing up valuable time for your team to focus on core responsibilities like property maintenance, lease negotiations, and tenant relations.
  3. Streamline operations: Technology integration and features like online access to call logs improve communication flow and overall operational efficiency.
  4. Deliver exceptional customer service: Professional and timely communication builds stronger relationships with your tenants.
  5. Increase tenant satisfaction: Addressing their needs promptly fosters a sense of trust and loyalty.
  6. Drive business growth: Improved efficiency and a focus on core competencies pave the way for a thriving property management business.

Don’t wait any longer! Take control of your communication and elevate your property management operations. Contact answering services today to request quotes and schedule consultations.

For a personalized consultation and to learn how Call24 can address your specific needs, visit us or call us at (866) 201-1645.